Medicines for papillomas and warts in tablets

Papillomas and warts are currently the scourge of humanity - more than a quarter of the world's population has some kind of such neoplasms on the skin, mucous membranes or other organs. And infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV) usually reaches more than 70% of all people on Earth - that is why it is so important to fight the virus, and not its consequences in the form of papillomas or warts. Local and cosmetic products and methods will be ineffective in this case, more serious drugs that affect the whole body are needed to fight the virus - such as tablets for warts.

Preparations for the treatment of papillomas and warts on the body

Classification of funds

Currently, it is impossible to isolate a drug that specifically and directly affects the activity of the papillomavirus in the human body; most HPV drugs have a broad non-specific effect. However, with proper use and selection of a suitable combination of drugs, such drugs will help to eliminate papillomas on the body and cope with other consequences of infection.

The latter is particularly important for women, as some strains of HPV are responsible for the development of cervical erosion and subsequent cancer. That is why the treatment of human papilloma virus infection is very often carried out not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to prevent severe and fatal consequences in the future.

Many people ignore pills for the treatment of papillomas or warts, seeking only to remove the tumor from the body that bothers them. This is a fundamentally wrong position, in this case the virus remains in the body - which means that the reappearance of the wart is almost guaranteed and will require a new removal.

Treatment of human papillomavirus infection, according to the general opinion of experts, should be comprehensive, that is, include the use of several drugs and techniques. Only a specialist can develop and prescribe the necessary regimen and correct therapy, self-medication may not lead to the desired results and may even harm. Such complex therapy may include the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antiviral drugs for HPV- these are drugs that have the ability to suppress the reproduction of the virus in the human body, stimulate the destruction of already infected cells and prevent the infection of new ones. Serious treatment of papillomas and warts must necessarily include this group of drugs, which can be used both locally and in the form of tablets and capsules.
  2. Immunostimulants- a group of drugs that can activate the immune system in case of its weakening (after a debilitating disease, stress, improper nutrition). Regarding the elimination of HPV, the use of such drugs is very important, since in the majority of cases the activation of the virus occurs just when the immune system weakens.
  3. Immunomodulators- a group of drugs, similar to the previous one, that do not stimulate the immune system, but only normalize its functioning, which is often enough for minor and temporary weakening. This drug creates a favorable background for the action of other anti-HPV drugs. The treatment of papillomas and warts very often includes such means.
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes– this group of substances only indirectly helps in the fight against the human papilloma virus, but most experts consider their inclusion in complex treatment absolutely necessary. Firstly, providing the human body with vitamins and trace elements activates the immune system and other protective mechanisms, and secondly, such drugs make it easier to tolerate the side effects of other anti-HPV drugs.

Each of the listed drug groups includes dozens of drugs, but only a few of them, the most effective against this pathogen, are used to eliminate the human papillomavirus.


As is known, after infecting the body, HPV penetrates the cells (epidermis, oral mucosa, genitals in women), where at a convenient moment it stimulates division. Together with the genetic material of the cell, the genome of the virus is duplicated many times, which is why the formation of papillomas or warts is so useful for the pathogen. However, there is a drug that can slow down its reproduction and activity in the cell - all drugs in this group belong to antiviral agents:

  1. Antiviral drug with a strong immunostimulating effect. This fact became the reason that almost any treatment of HPV infection cannot be done without this drug - roughly speaking, drinking one tablet, you can take two drugs at once. Treatment of human papilloma virus infection in women using this drug is very popular, especially in the presence of oncogenic strains of the virus. Take 2 tablets a day for 2-4 weeks, after which you should take a break of at least a month.
  2. An active antiviral drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory effect (unlike the previous drug, which has a stimulating effect on the immune system). It is available in the form of tablets and capsules and is often recommended by specialists for the treatment of various viral diseases - from the flu to herpes. In order for the drug treatment to be effective, it is better to take a double dose of the drug (8 tablets) on the first day of the course, then take 4 tablets a day for 5-7 days.

Many experts note that the use of antiviral drugs alone to eliminate the human papillomavirus from the body is not enough. It is very important to stimulate the immune system and normalize the functioning of the body's defense forces - in this case, the chances of a complete defeat of HPV increase significantly.

Immunostimulating and immunomodulating drugs

After infection, the reproduction and spread of the virus is prevented by the human immune system, but HPV has the ability to "hide" in the cells and remains latent there for years. And as soon as the immune system begins to weaken due to certain factors, then the pathogen is activatedand leads to the development of neoplasms - papillomas, warts, erosions in women. If the doctor determines that the reason for the development of such formations is a decrease in the activity of the immune system and it is still at a low level, he can prescribe pills with an immunostimulating effect.

According to medical terminology, the border between stimulants and modulators of the immune system is quite clear - some activate the immune system, others only improve and normalize its functioning. But in reality it is very difficult to say clearly which drug is a pure stimulant and which is an immunomodulator. That is why some experts combine these drugs into one group of drugs that improve the functioning of the immune system:

  1. An immunostimulating drug whose active substances are components of ribosomes (special intracellular bodies). The drug does not specifically activate the immune system, it increases the activity of lymphocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells and other cells of the central link of the immune system. Thanks to this, the body begins to fight against bacteria and viruses and antitumor immunity is stimulated. You should take the medicine as prescribed by your doctor - usually 0. 75 mg (3 or 1 tablet) per day for 3 weeks.
  2. Immunostimulator based on components of the cell wall of some types of bacteria. It has very low toxicity and therefore a small number of side effects. Increases the body's resistance to bacteria, fungi and viruses, including human papillomaviruses. You should take 2 tablets under the tongue once a day for 10 days.
  3. Immunomodulators of natural origin based on Echinacea purpurea, whose immunostimulating properties have been known for a long time. The tablets of one product contain 0. 2 grams of dry extract of the herb Echinacea, and of the other contain 0. 8 grams of simply dried and ground herbs. Therefore, the first should be used 1 tablet 3 times a day for one week, and the second should be used 1 tablet 4 times a day for 2-8 weeks.

Immunostimulants and other drugs that affect the immune system rarely lead to the elimination of warts or papillomas when only these drugs are used. Most often, they are used to prevent recurrences after removal of tumors from the body or as part of complex therapy.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Neither the fight against the virus, nor the activation of the immune system can proceed fully if the human body is not provided with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. That is why, in the treatment of human papillomavirus infection, the majority of specialists prescribe special complexes.

The use of vitamins can by itself normalize the functioning of the body's defense forces - very often it is the deficiency of nutrients that leads to a weakening of the immune system. In addition, some drugs for the treatment of papillomas and warts can cause side effects that will be mitigated by the beneficial effects of vitamins.